Crypto Hot Or Not

Tracking social media activity and sentiment for Cryptocurriences


Track social media sentiment on cryptocurrencies. See current and historical data for many of the most popular cryptocurrencies. Compare the sentiment against the price to see when social media is influencing price movements.


Dont miss out on the next lambo..! Setup intelligent rules to receive alerts straight to your phone when a cryptocurrency social sentiment or activity makes a significant move - up or down.


Got a trading bot or want to notify a website when social sentiment makes a aignificant move..? Setup webhooks to get instant notifications to your bot or website.

Social Sentiment, Activity and Price

View historical and current social media activity and sentiment for cryptocurrencies over a wide range of sample periods.

For more information on our service, what our graphs mean, and how and why we record such data see About our Service

Push Notifications

Never miss a trading opportunity again with instant alerts to your mobile. Setup Notification rules that will trigger when either the social activity or sentiment makes a significant move. When a rule is triggered a notification will be pushed immediately to your mobile.


Create webhook rules to cover various social activity or sentiment movements that you wish to flag. When a rule is triggered we will post a Json payload to the url specified in your webhook.

Running a Trading Bot..?

Feed Social sentiment indicators to your bot..! Simply create webhook rules to cover the social activity or sentiment movements that you wish to send to your bot.

Want to send notifications to a website..?

As with running a bot, you can also feed Social sentiment indicators to your website..!


We support many of the most popular cryptocurrencies.

  • Bitcoin - BTC
  • Ethereum - ETH
  • Ripple - XRP
  • Bitcoin Cash - BCH
  • EOS - EOS
  • Litecoin - LTC
  • Cardano - ADA
  • Stellar - XLM
  • TRON - TRX
  • NEO - NEO
  • Monero - XMR
  • Dash - DASH
  • NEM - XEM
  • VeChain - VEN
  • Ethereum Classic - ETC
  • Bytecoin - BCN
  • Binance Coin - BNB
  • Qtum - QTUM
  • ICON - ICX
  • Tezos - XTZ
  • Ontology - ONT
  • Bitcoin SV - BSV
  • ZCash - ZEC


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